Who is Ria Stikkelman?

I’m a working mother of two teenage daughters. Building on my legal training, I set up Stikkelman Organizing in 2009. Prior to this I had worked for a number of Dutch companies as a legal advisor. I had discovered at school and during my company work that I have twin passions: organizing and people.
On the organizing side: I qualified as a professional organizer with the Dutch Association of Professional Organizers in 2009. Being a member of this association means that I adhere to a strict ethical code and belong to two intervision groups. One group is geared towards advising and receiving advice from professional colleagues on every aspect of our profession. The second group supports me in running my own business. I have noticed that two qualities are very important to be a good personal organizer: patience and the ability to motivate people to take action. My clients tell me that I have these qualities in abundance. I am also optimistic, in fact my Dutch-speaking clients have nicknamed me ‘the Optimistic Organizer’.
On the people side: For the last thirty years I’ve kept up my membership of two cookery clubs where we chat and keep up with each other’s lives.
Are you interested in what my clients say about? Please read the References at the home page.
Do you want to know more about how I can simplify your life? Please read about my services or contact me on my mobile phone number 06 – 42 93 0827 or via the contact form on this website. If you prefer, I can also schedule an interview at your home.
I look forward very much to meeting you!